Luigi Agliardi - 1945
It is May 1945, the Board of the Banca Popolare are meeting. One of the board, Guido Tadini has the floor. We wish to express our admiration for Doctor Luigi Agliardi, who was, if not the only, then one of the very few bank managers not to join the party.
Luigi Agliardi, who later championed the creation of the “Sala Funi” (the room used by the bank’s Board, designed by the artist Achille Funi in 1947), stood and in turn addressed those assembled.
I would like to remember our office manager, Grassi, as well as the young clerks who refused to join the party. They stood firm in the face of persecution and contributed to the cause of the resistance by demonstrating great passion – Rodari – and spirit of sacrifice – Biava, Dell’Orto and Urio, who perished at the hands of the fascists.